Archive for the ‘CIA’ Category

Julian Assange Says Trump Won’t Be Allowed To Win, “Clinton And ISIS Are Funded By The Same Money”

04 Nov

“My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side…. Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc. are all united behind Hillary Clinton. And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves.”

Source: Julian Assange Says Trump Won’t Be Allowed To Win, “Clinton And ISIS Are Funded By The Same Money”

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Crime, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, Presidential campaign, Presidential election, State Department, Warfare state


The “civil war” is on

02 Nov

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Posted in Bill Clinton, CIA, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign, Presidential election


Does the Deep State want Hillary’s campaign to implode?

23 Oct

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Presidential campaign, State Department


The West’s takedown of Khadaffi…Hillary’s notorious murder  

22 Oct

Source: Double, Double Toil and Trouble

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Posted in CIA, Crude Oil, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, State Department, Warfare state


US stirring the pot in Syria

17 Oct

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Posted in CIA, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Human rights, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Warfare state


Was the Cold War safer than today’s trip wires?

02 Oct

“Pundits have declared a “New Cold War.” If only! The Cold War was a time when leaders focused on reducing tensions between nuclear powers. What we have today is much more dangerous: Washington’s reckless and irresponsible aggression toward the other major nuclear powers, Russia and China.”

Source: Paul Craig Roberts Urges “Bring Back The Cold War”


It’s war, stupid

30 Sep

“The year was 1956: the icy winds of the cold war were blowing across the political landscape. And it was a presidential election year, pitting the internationalist Republican Dwight Eisenhower against Adlai Stevenson, the darling of the Democratic party’s left wing. The “isolationist” faction of the GOP, led by Sen. Robert A. Taft, had been […]”

Source: Libertarianism and War – Original


Judge Napolitano makes the case against Hillary.  Trump does not measure up, however.  

29 Sep

Source: She Clobbered Him

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Posted in CIA, Civil liberties, Constitution, Crony capitalism, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Individual rights, Middle East, Warfare state, Welfare state


New York Times and the New McCarthyism –

08 Sep

The establishment media are beating the war drums.

Source: New York Times and the New McCarthyism – Consortiumnews

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Posted in CIA, Democrats, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, NATO, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


You cannot make this up.

02 Sep

Source: USA vs. USA – LewRockwell


Too many coincidences

18 Aug

“George H.W. Bush knew the family of the man who shot Bush’s then-boss Ronald Reagan, in 1981. With the shooter now freed, it’s time, finally, to take a closer look.”

Source: Bush Angle to Reagan Shooting Still Unresolved as Hinckley Walks – WhoWhatWhy

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Federal Government, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Will this be the tripwire for a greater Middle East conflict?  

17 Jul

“Moments ago, a Turkish government official said the commander of the critical Incirlik airbase, used by U.S.-led coalition jets to conduct bombing runs against the Islamic State, has been arrested.  Meanwhile, Erdogan’s…”

Source: “A Gift From God” – Erdogan Arrests 6,000 In Historic “Systemic Purge”, Incirlik Airbase Commander Detained | Zero Hedge

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Posted in CIA, Foreign policy, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Warfare state


Debunking Washington’s Big Lie

17 Jul

The federal government needs a foreign foe to take the people’s minds off the rotten domestic polices, maintain and build up the military-industrial comple  and do the bidding of our so-called allies. 

“By Jeff Faux at the Nation Where are you from?” the elderly man asked politely, as my wife and I strolled through his small Iranian village in early May. “America,” I answered. “Wonderful,” he said…”

Source: Debunking Washington’s Big Lie—–Why Iran Is Not Our Enemy | David Stockman’s Contra Corner


The coverup of TWA Flight 800 is unraveling

17 Jul

“Jersey-born writer Jack Cashill has a book out raising questions about the fatal crash of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island 20 years ago Sunday; The feds’ inexplicable treatment of the hundreds of eyewitnesses has fueled the skeptics’ doubts…”

Source: Jersey author’s Flight 800 book poses questions still unanswered after 20 years | Mulshine |

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Crime, FBI, Politics, Terrorism, Uncategorized