Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

What a Surprise

11 Nov

Is Chelsea more like Hillary or Bill?  We will soon find out.  I’m sure the Dems in Westchester Counyt are thrilled to have another Cliton carpetbagger.   Maybe thery are.   

“Chelsea could run for the seat in NYC’s 17th Congressional District once Nita Lowey decides to retire.”

Source: Chelsea Clinton being groomed to run for Congress

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, Politics


What Makes America Great

09 Nov

“The 2016 election was notable for many things—from the frequency of ad hominem arguments to the frequency of scandals to the frequency of OMG reactions to Donald Trump’s victory.”

Source: The Government Won’t Make America Great Again

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Economy, Free markets, Individual rights, Politics, Welfare state


Hillary Epitomizes Corrupt Politics 

03 Nov

“All the Clintons did is assemble the parts more effectively than anyone else. Exposing the Clintons’ perfection of a corrupt political system won’t change the conditions and incentives that created the Clintons’ harvester of corruption.”

Source: Hillary Is The Perfection Of A Corrupt System

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Crime, Democrats, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Politics


Peter Thiel gets a lesson in economics 

03 Nov

“Mr. Thiel: Attempting to justify Trump’s and his followers’ hostility to free trade you write that “[t]he sheer size of the US trade deficit shows that something has gone badly wrong.  The most developed country in the world should be exporting capital to less developed countries; instead, the United States is importing more than $500 billion dollars every year.” I’ve some questions …”

Source: Open Letter to Peter Thiel – Cafe Hayek

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Posted in Economy, Free markets, Politics, Trade


The fear factor favors Trump…in a landslide

02 Nov

Source: Scott Adams’ Blog

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Posted in Clinton Foundation, Corruption, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


Robert Wenzel scorches Peter Thiel 

01 Nov

The self styled libertarian is anything but.


Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Fundraising Benefited From Loophole In Federal Anti-Corruption Rule

01 Nov

“The SEC’s pay-to-play rule exempts federal agencies, allowing Hillary Clinton to raise cash from Wall Street firms managing federal retirement savings…”

Source: Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Fundraising Benefited From Loophole In Federal Anti-Corruption Rule

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Federal Government, Hillary Clinton, Politics


Watch your back! Investigate!

31 Oct

Source: Those Threats Are Real

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Democrats, Federal Government, Hillary Clinton, Media, Politicians, Politics, Presidential election


Working overtime for Hillary

30 Oct

Source: Social Media Blackout? FBI Emails Are Not ‘Trending’ On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Or Snapchat

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Posted in Corruption, Crony capitalism, Donald Trump, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential election


Free speech means the government will not interfere with the people’s right to express themselves, even during political campaigns

25 Oct

“That anti-Donald Trump movie recently released by Michael Moore might have got him prosecuted by the FEC if not for the Citizens United decision, says a Cato Institute scholar.”

Source: Reverse Citizens United and jail Michael Moore? – Liberals are confused on campaign funding | Mulshine

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Posted in Civil liberties, Constitution, Individual rights, Politics, Presidential campaign, Supreme Court


The stench of corruption 

24 Oct

“The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.”

Source: Prominent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director’s Wife

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Posted in Corruption, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


Rigged elections?  Watch what they do, not what they say.

23 Oct

“Now that the issue of whether the Democrats rig elections is back in the news, let’s look back at a few pieces I wrote back when Al Gore was doing what Donald Trump is only threatening to do…”

Source: If you were Donald Trump you’d be worried about the Dems’ ‘brilliant ground war’ too | Mulshine

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Posted in Corruption, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


The Left’s strategic plan

22 Oct

Source: Socialism’s Community Organizers

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Posted in Federal Government, Free markets, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Progressives, Socialism, Welfare state


Obama and Russia…Lew Rockwell puts it in perspective

21 Oct

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Politics, President Obama, Russia, Warfare state


Bernie’s logic??????

18 Oct

This is the thought process of people of the Left. 

Source: Bernie Sanders, Fraudulent Socialist Windbag