Archive for March, 2020

Target Liberty: What Life Will Be Like for Americans After the COVID-19 Panic is Over

31 Mar

Source: Target Liberty: What Life Will Be Like for Americans After the COVID-19 Panic is Over

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What Would Rothbard Say About the Corona Epidemic | Mises Wire

30 Mar

Source: What Would Rothbard Say About the Corona Epidemic | Mises Wire

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On the Cotto/Gottfried show

25 Mar
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Rabobank: Many Are Questioning The Point Of Having A Market If The Fed Is Backstopping Everything | Zero Hedge

24 Mar

Source: Rabobank: Many Are Questioning The Point Of Having A Market If The Fed Is Backstopping Everything | Zero Hedge

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Posted in Uncategorized Democrats Are Attempting to Use the Coronavirus Panic as an Opportunity to Create a Digital Dollar and Accompanying Digital Wallet for Every American

24 Mar

Source: Democrats Are Attempting to Use the Coronavirus Panic as an Opportunity to Create a Digital Dollar and Accompanying Digital Wallet for Every American

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This Is Not A Recession. This Is A Government Imposed Shutdown Of The Private Sector. – Center for Individualism

23 Mar

Source: This Is Not A Recession. This Is A Government Imposed Shutdown Of The Private Sector. – Center for Individualism

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Suggested Readings

22 Mar

The Law, Bastiat,

Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt,

What Has Government Done to Our Money, Rothbard,

The Progressive Era, Rothbard,

As We Go Marching, Flynn,

America’s Emerging Fascist Economy, Twight,

From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State, 

Tax Free 2000, Sabrin, 

Why the Federal Reserve Sucks, Sabrin, 

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The Coronavirus Is Not Causing Deaths—Weak Immune Systems Are –

20 Mar

Source: The Coronavirus Is Not Causing Deaths—Weak Immune Systems Are – LewRockwell

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Neo-Socialist Trump To Invest for the Rest of Us 

19 Mar

Source: Neo-Socialist Trump To Invest for the Rest of Us – LRC Blog

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The Fed goes to zero and more.

15 Mar
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Posted in Uncategorized Michael Jordan and The Economics of the Coronavirus

13 Mar

Source: Michael Jordan and The Economics of the Coronavirus

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Liquid Lunch with John Tabacco on NewsmaxTV

12 Mar
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Bloomberg pissed away more than a half-a-billion dollars; Steyer pissed away more than $200 million; Could have used the money to provide medical care for all Medicaid recipients

05 Mar

Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor and one of the richest individuals on the planet, spent more than $500 million just in advertising to win the Democratic nomination for president only to drop out of the race a couple days ago. When the final accounting is done he may have spent more than $700 million, which would’ve included the salaries for an army of campaign workers around the country.

The greatest colossal failure in American politics need not have had to happen. Bloomberg, one of the country’s great philanthropists, could have used the hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on advertising and salaries with the more than $200 million fellow billionaire Tom Steyer spent, and together both billionaires literally could have funded 10,000 nonprofit health centers, which could replace Medicaid and save American taxpayers $600 billion per year… forever.

As of November 2019 more than 71 million Americans were enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP.   If one nonprofit health center could provide free medical care for 7,100 individuals, then 10,000 centers would need to be created throughout the country.  If the cost to equip one of the centers with medical equipment, furniture, computers and other hardware would cost $100,000 per center, the total cost for the 10,000 centers would be $1 billion. (Foundation grants and other contributions could reduce this amount substantially.)  Hospitals, big-box stores, churches, synagogues and other religious institutions could provide the space needed for a nonprofit health center in their communities.

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Trump Is Trying to Ride the Pentagon Gravy Train to Reelection

02 Mar

Donald Trump likes to posture as a tough guy and part of that tough guy persona involves bragging about how much he’s spent on the US military.

Source: Trump Is Trying to Ride the Pentagon Gravy Train to Reelection

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Target Liberty: How Joe Biden Could Beat Trump Despite His Sliding Mental Ability

01 Mar

Source: Target Liberty: How Joe Biden Could Beat Trump Despite His Sliding Mental Ability

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