Archive for the ‘President Obama’ Category

FBI’s Comey On The Way Out?

08 Nov

“After persistent prodding by Valerie Jarrett, President Obama has agreed to fire America’s top cop. It has yet to be decided who will wield the hatchet or exactly when after the election.”

Source: Valerie Jarrett has convinced President Obama to fire FBI’s Comey

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Posted in Corruption, FBI, President Obama, Presidential election


Hillary’s Wars and the FBI Backlash 

05 Nov

Calling all Progressives: Hillary would make George W. Bush look like a pacifist.  Is that who you want in the Oval Office?  Be careful what you wish for!  


“If you go to the history of the FBI, it has become effectively America’s political police. The FBI is always trying to demonstrate that, ‘No one can resist us’, But Hillary Clinton very conspicuously resisted the FBI’s investigation. So, there is anger within the FBI because it made the FBI look weak.”

Source: Julian Assange: “Hillary Made The FBI Look Weak, And Now They’re Out For Payback”


“The Power of P***Y”

05 Nov

And Hillary and Obama both assert that Trump is….(fill in the blanks.)  The company Hillary is keeping is nothing short of despicable.  

Source: Jay-Z’s Sexists-and-Misogynists-for-Hillary Fundraiser

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign, Presidential election


The “civil war” is on

02 Nov

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Posted in Bill Clinton, CIA, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign, Presidential election


The Clinton Con: A History 

02 Nov

“She’s finally done it. The country faces a possible constitutional crisis should Hillary win the election.”

Source: Linda Tripp: The Colossal Clinton Con

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Constitution, Corruption, Crime, Crony capitalism, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential election


The case for impeach Clinton and Obama

26 Oct

“The Impeachment of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for High Crimes in Syria and Libya” by Michael Ostrowski and James Ostrowski makes a strong case that both the current president and the former secretary of state committed impeachable offenses in Syria and Libya. Reviewed by Patrick Krey.

Source: Impeaching Hillary

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Human rights, Middle East, President Obama, Presidential election, Warfare state


Is there an honest person in DC?  

25 Oct

“The latest hacked emails from WikiLeaks highlight how the news that Hillary Clinton used a private server sent the White House and her campaign scrambling.”

Source: ‘We Need to Clean This Up’: Clinton Aide’s Newly Public Email Shows Concern

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, President Obama, State Department


Obamacare is a Trojan Horse

25 Oct

The Left’s dream of a single-payer may come to pass because of Obamacare was created to fail.  Tom DiLorenzo explains it.  


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Posted in Federal Government, Healthcare, President Obama


Obama and Russia…Lew Rockwell puts it in perspective

21 Oct

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Politics, President Obama, Russia, Warfare state


When a fact is not a fact

20 Oct

“Does this seem like a fact?:  “We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.  However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.”

Source: The “Fact” That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A “Fact”

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign


The heroic Assange and the evil Hillary 

19 Oct

“The saga of Julian Assange seems to be drawing to a climax – one that will decide the fate of this historic whistleblower who, for years, has been a giant thorn in the side of governments everywhere. His role in exposing the machinations of the US government over the years earned him the plaudits of …”

Source: Assange’s Fate – Original by —


President Obama:  economic illiterate. Hillary is cut from the same cloth.

13 Oct

Robert Wenzel points out an inconvenient truth.  Barack is clueless. 

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Economy, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, President Obama, Presidential campaign, Regulations


With allies like this…

11 Oct

“In a leaked email sent on August 17, 2014 by Hillary Clinton to her current campaign manager, John Podesta, who back then was counselor to Barack Obama, she admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

Source: Hillary Confirms Saudi Arabia, Qatar Fund ISIS In Leaked Email


Obama pulling the strings? 

07 Oct

“Ed Klein discussed his new book Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation.”

Source: Ed Klein: Obama Has a ‘Mole, a Manchurian Candidate’ in Tim Kaine

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Crony capitalism, Hillary Clinton, Leadership, Politics, President Obama, Presidential campaign


The corruption is never ending

07 Oct

Source: The FBI Is Corrupt – LewRockwell

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Posted in Constitution, Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign