Archive for the ‘Foreign policy’ Category

Hillary’s drunken sailor binges…

28 Oct

Hillary’s arrogance and contempt for taxpayers.  

“[ TRANSCRIPT ] Now, in another new report, we are learning that Hillary Clinton’s State Department wasted hundreds of millions of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars on a wild spending binge. Here ar…”

Source: Trump Speech on Clinton’s Lavish State Department Spending… | The Last Refuge

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Posted in Donald Trump, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Spending, State Department, Warfare state


The case for Donald Trump? Why Hillary should not get anywhere near the Oval office, again

28 Oct

I will be a guest on Lee Elci’s morning talk show Monday, Oct. 31 at 8:35am.  You can listen to it on the Internet,


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Posted in Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Free markets, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Presidential election, Warfare state, Welfare state


The uber welfare state coming to America?

26 Oct

“Ghazia A. – whose full name has not been disclosed – fled Syria in 2015 and headed to the town of Montabaur (pictured) viaTurkey, accompanied by his huge clan.”

Source: Syrian refugee’s hand-outs for his FOUR wives and 22 children 

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, Middle East, Refugees, Welfare state


The case for impeach Clinton and Obama

26 Oct

“The Impeachment of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for High Crimes in Syria and Libya” by Michael Ostrowski and James Ostrowski makes a strong case that both the current president and the former secretary of state committed impeachable offenses in Syria and Libya. Reviewed by Patrick Krey.

Source: Impeaching Hillary

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Human rights, Middle East, President Obama, Presidential election, Warfare state


The New McCarthyism…led by Hillary 

26 Oct

“I’m often taken to task by some of my readers for characterizing the current anti-Russian hysteria as “McCarthyism.” After all, they say, Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right – there were, indeed, high-ranking individuals in the US government covertly sympathetic to the Soviet regime. And, yes, we now know that many of these were working directly …”

Source: ‘McCarthyism,’ Then and Now – Original by —

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Russia, Warfare state


Progressives:  Be careful what you wish for, a Clinton presidency 

24 Oct

“The Clinton campaign’s full-scale effort to turn this election into a referendum on Vladimir Putin is causing liberals like Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, and Glenn Greenwald, the energizing force behind The Intercept, much heartburn. Here is Ms. van den Heuvel wondering what the heck is going on: “How does new Cold War …”

Source: Why Progressives Love the New Cold War – Original by —

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Posted in Civil liberties, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Human rights, Individual rights, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Russia


Does the Deep State want Hillary’s campaign to implode?

23 Oct

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Presidential campaign, State Department


The Afghan fiasco

22 Oct

Source: Fifteen Years Into the Afghan War, Do Americans Know the Truth?

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Posted in Foreign policy, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Warfare state


Trump vs. Clinton…the choice is easy for the American people

22 Oct

Source: You’ve Got It All Wrong

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton


The West’s takedown of Khadaffi…Hillary’s notorious murder  

22 Oct

Source: Double, Double Toil and Trouble

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Posted in CIA, Crude Oil, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, State Department, Warfare state


Obama and Russia…Lew Rockwell puts it in perspective

21 Oct

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Politics, President Obama, Russia, Warfare state


When a fact is not a fact

20 Oct

“Does this seem like a fact?:  “We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.  However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.”

Source: The “Fact” That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A “Fact”

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign


Trump’s Missed Opportunities… Hillary’s left-wing agenda and warmongering

20 Oct

Since it’s midterm time let me give each candidate a letter grade for last night’s debate performance. Donald gets a B- and Hillary gets her usual F, for her collectivist ideology, trickle-down economics, and continued warmongering.

Donald missed several opportunities to hit a grand slam for the night, which would’ve turned his performance into an A+. Let me explain.

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The heroic Assange and the evil Hillary 

19 Oct

“The saga of Julian Assange seems to be drawing to a climax – one that will decide the fate of this historic whistleblower who, for years, has been a giant thorn in the side of governments everywhere. His role in exposing the machinations of the US government over the years earned him the plaudits of …”

Source: Assange’s Fate – Original by —


What a Clinton presidency means

18 Oct

“So many things are now known about the media establishment and the collusion it shares with the Clinton campaign. More things are being found out every day as Wikileaks provides proof of the public perception. The people were right, there is a conspiracy to keep them uninformed and misinformed.”

Source: A Vote For Treason