Archive for the ‘Military-industrial complex’ Category

How to save taxpayers oodles of money

01 Sep

0053_defense-comparison-cropBring the troops home.

Source: U.S. Troops to Get a Pay Raise

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Posted in Federal Government, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, Spending, Taxes, Warfare state


Liars in DC

01 Sep

paul-wolfowitz“Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them? Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held…”


Source: Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them? — Paul Craig Roberts –


Who Rules America

30 Aug

Source: The Deep State and the Unspeakable – LewRockwell


Hillary unhinged

29 Aug

“Hillary Clinton’s recent “alt right” speech marks a new and dangerous low in what has become race to the bottom – and, should she be elected, it has ominous foreign policy implications as well. Alarmed that Trump is reaching out to the African-American community, Mrs. Clinton tried to make the case that the GOP candidate […]”

Source: Clinton’s Crazy Conspiracy Theory – Original


US violating international law

21 Aug

Source: US Warns Syrian Military…Against Operating Inside Syria!

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Posted in Federal Government, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Warfare state


Hillary has created her own reality

21 Aug

Source: H. Clinton Blames Assad, Iran and Russia for ISIS!

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Resident Washington Post warmonger is unhinged

19 Aug

Source: Jennifer Rubin: Hillary Must Stop Peace With Iran at All Costs!

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Hillary’s war plans 

18 Aug

“In a seemingly full-throated promise to voters in Scranton, Pa. on Monday, Hillary Clinton said adding “American ground troops” in the war against ISIS in Syria “is off the table. But every…”

Source: Clinton’s Syria War Plans


More Clinton cronyism about to be exposed?

18 Aug

“Top officials at the Clinton Foundation believe the organization was hacked — causing concern that the data breach will show Hillary Clinton and State Department staff giving preferential treatment…”

Source: Possible Clinton Foundation hack could expose treatment of top donors

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, Politicians, Politics, State Department, Warfare state


The good and bad of Trump’s foreign policy policies

17 Aug

“Donald Trump’s most recent foreign policy speech, in which he explained how he would deal with the Islamic State (ISIL) and the Middle East in general, contained multitudes – everything good and everything questionable about his brand of “America First” nationalism. Here is Trumpism on full display, the common-sensical and the nonsensical intertwined. While I […]”

Source: The Benefits and Hazards of Trumpism – Original by —

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, National borders, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


The truth comes out

06 Aug

“2016 is turning out to be a big year for uncovering deep truths that will reshape our world — a year where what could be the greatest opportunity to see through the corruption and deceit that plague the world of Western politics has presented itself. Below is an image from Wikileaks’ twitter page. The well-known group headed […]”

Source: Wikileaks Exposes Hillary Clinton’s Ties To ISIS Supporters & ‘The War On Terror’


Hillary and Donald on foreign policy

26 Jul

“Unlike Donald Trump, the Democratic nominee’s ideas are frighteningly clear.”

Source: Hillary Clinton’s Dangerously Coherent Foreign Policy –


Hillary Clinton: Class President of A Failed Generation

25 Jul

“NOTE TO READERS I am in the throes of finishing a book on the upheaval represented by the Trump candidacy and movement. It is an exploration of how 30 years of Bubble Finance policies at the Fed, f…”

Source: Hillary Clinton: Class President of A Failed Generation | David Stockman’s Contra Corner


‘Trump supporters rising up, disgusted with elites, no trust in media’ — RT Op-Edge

23 Jul

“The story of Trump’s rise in popularity in the US is that grassroots Republicans and conservatives are turning their backs on the old Beltway shibboleths, like ‘American exceptionalism’, explains Ron Paul Institute executive director Daniel McAdams.”

Source: ‘Trump supporters rising up, disgusted with elites, no trust in media’ — RT Op-Edge

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Posted in Donald Trump, European Union, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Pundits, Warfare state


AEI neocon pushes for US global intervention

23 Jul

The 20th century experienced two horrific world wars because nations–organized criminal gangs–formed alliances.  Our alliances could cause another one in Europe an/or in Asia, again. 

“If there is one positive thing to be said about Donald Trump’s interview with The New York Times, it’s that the American public will not have to wait to see what his views about foreign and defense…”

Source: Donald Trump’s world: Part 3 – AEI | Foreign and Defense Policy Blog » AEIdeas