Archive for the ‘Presidential campaign’ Category

Who is the real Hillary Clinton?  

16 Oct

Hillary was a Goldwater “girl” when she was a high school student during the 1964 presidential campaign.  Maybe she still harbors some of Goldwater’s political views.  Who knows? But what she says in private is probably her real views.

“Among the many telling kernels of truth dappling the spoor of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s internal e-mails released by WikiLeaks this past week, this one immediately leaped out: “Politics is…”

Source: Leaked emails reveal Hillary Clinton’s life of deceit

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign, Progressives


If Clinton is elected president and there is a war between the US and Russia, the media will have blood on their hands

16 Oct

“The media were too busy reporting on Donald Trump’s personal life to notice, but last week a top Russian lawmaker and the Green Party candidate for president warned Clinton will lead us into war…”

Source: A Green and a Russian agree a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war | Mulshine

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Democrats, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, Middle East, National borders, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


The bigotry of the Clintonistas

15 Oct

Pat Buchanan calls them out. 

Source: Sneering Contempt of Liberal Elites

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Ethnicity, Hillary Clinton, Individual rights, Politicians, Presidential campaign, Progressives


The facts about who is influencing our presidential election 

14 Oct

Source: A Government Is Seizing Control of Our Election Process, and It Is Not the Russians – Blog

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Posted in Corruption, Democrats, Donald Trump, FBI, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Judiciary, Presidential campaign, State Department, Warfare state


President Hillary Clinton= More War

14 Oct

“Michael Brendan Dougherty hopes Clinton is lying about her Syria policy:And that is what is so nerve-wracking about the way that Clinton has now begun redefining America’s mission in Syria once…”

Source: A Clinton Win Means an Expanded War in Syria


This sums up Hillary.

13 Oct

Source: Dictatress in Waiting


Maybe Fed officials were talking about the election off the record to each other at the water cooler.

13 Oct

“The November election apparently was not a discussion topic during the central bank’s September meeting.”

Source: Sorry, Donald Trump, but the Fed isn’t talking politics

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Posted in Federal Reserve, Interest rates, Presidential campaign


President Obama:  economic illiterate. Hillary is cut from the same cloth.

13 Oct

Robert Wenzel points out an inconvenient truth.  Barack is clueless. 

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Economy, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, President Obama, Presidential campaign, Regulations


With allies like this…

11 Oct

“In a leaked email sent on August 17, 2014 by Hillary Clinton to her current campaign manager, John Podesta, who back then was counselor to Barack Obama, she admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

Source: Hillary Confirms Saudi Arabia, Qatar Fund ISIS In Leaked Email


Don’t be surprised if House Speaker Ryan and other GOP bigwigs are speaking with Hillary and/or her people about a Clinton administration.  

11 Oct

What is the saying about not counting your chickens before they are hatched?  Are GOP insiders coordinating with he Clinton campaign  to sabotage  Donald? 

Source: Who Leaked the Trump Tape?

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Posted in Corruption, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Presidential campaign, Republicans


Hillary’s shortcomings are…

10 Oct

“Last night’s presidential debate was the latest episode in what appears to be a prolonged infomercial for Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s..”

Source: Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Like Edward Snowden


Nailing Anderson and Martha 

10 Oct

By ganging up on Trump, they just confirmed again how the MSM are in the pockets of the Clintons. 

“Last night was a vivid, real-time illustration of how the media think of the American people: “We’re really interested in how you think! So, please, come in, sit down and . . . let the..”

Source: How the moderators hijacked the second debate

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, MSM, Presidential campaign


Hillary’s f bombs.  She is not a lady in private.  The double standard of the media is monumental.  

10 Oct

Source: Note: If you are offended by vulgar language, do not read this.-  “Just get that [F-ing dog] out of my way,” said to Secret Service K-9 handler.- “Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every mo…

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, MSM, Presidential campaign


What a surprise.  Media love Hillary.  Why?  

10 Oct

“New leaked emails reveal the very tight relationships between the mainstream media and the Hillary Clinton campaign…”

Source: Newly Leaked Emails Reveal Unprecedented Coordination Between Hillary Campaign And Press

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Posted in Corruption, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, MSM, Presidential campaign


Open memo to Donald Trump

10 Oct

To:  Donald Trump

From:  Murray Sabrin

At last night’s debate you missed an opportunity to make the case that income inequality, reoccurring bubbles and lower living standards for both low and middle-income families are the direct result of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies.

At the next debate you should spend most of the night talking how the Federal Reserve has caused havoc in the US economy since it began operations in 1914.

You should take out a one-dollar bill and point out that it’s only worth a nickel today, because the Fed’s monetary policy has caused a massive decline in the purchasing power of the greenback.

You should also point out that the Fed’s manipulation of interest rates causes unsustainable booms, and when the economy overheats the Fed tightens credit triggering the inevitable readjustment in the economy, now euphemistically called a recession.

You should also point out that Hillary Clinton’s support of the Federal Reserve means that she endorses the massive redistribution of income from Main Street to Wall Street, because savers have been getting virtually zero interest rates on their savings since quantitative easing began in 2008.  Wall Street is the epicenter of crony capitalism in America.

You should point out that Hillary probably told the bankers in her secret presentations that when she becomes president the Fed will continue to keep the money flowing so they can reap enormous benefits from its cheap money policies.

You should also point out as you have in the past that the bubble we are in courtesy of Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen will not end well for the US economy.

You should say when I’m president don’t blame me for the next economic downturn, which will be caused again by the Fed’s reckless monetary policies. Recessions are not caused by tax cuts, spending cuts, or deregulation of American businesses.

And point out that the Federal Reserve enables the federal government to take on massive amounts of debt because it keeps interest rates low thereby reducing the Treasury’s interest rate expenses on the national debt.

And this is quite important Donald that you point out, the Federal Reserve makes it easy for the federal government to wage undeclared wars by pumping up the money supply to help pay for the massive military industrial complex we have that Pres. Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address in January 1961.

Donald, if you want to brush up on the Fed and monetary policy, here are a few suggestions for you to read before the next debate so you will have all the necessary responses to the moderators and Hillary’s cluelessness about how the Fed’s policies adversely affect the economy.

See the essays, articles and books about the Fed here.

I would start with Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money?, and Robert Wenzel’s The Fed Flunks.

Pointing out the truth about the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and crony capitalism would seal the deal.  And you know all about dealmaking.