Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Michael Harrison, publisher of TALKERS magazine, the Bible of talk radio, discuss Covid and medical care.

26 Sep

My segment begins at the 17:00 minute mark.
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Lori Hinz and I discuss how to improve medical care with free market solutions.

21 Sep
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Kate Dalley and I do an indepth dive into free market medical care

21 Sep
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Frank Morano and I discuss my new book on WABC radio.

20 Sep

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On the Brian Nichols show

13 Sep
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Jeff Deist and I discuss medical freedom

10 Sep

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Ron Paul endorses Universal Medical Care

09 Sep

“George Clemanaceau once remarked that ‘War is too important to be left to generals.’  By the same token, medical care is too important to be left to politicians, bureaucrats and insurance companies.  Long-time finance professor Murray Sabrin makes an incontrovertible case for a free market universal medical care system in his new book, Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life.  I urge all libertarians and limited government conservatives to read this book and help spread the message of medical freedom throughout the land.  Our health–and very lives-may very well depend on embracing Murray’s prescription for free market medical care”

Dr. Ron Paul, Chairman and Founder, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, and former member of Congress and two time Republican presidential candidate   

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Ron Paul and I discuss free-market medical care

03 Sep
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Three Lame Arguments for the Covid Vaccine

01 Sep

“Because of all the writing I do, I subscribe to a diverse group of news sites: liberal, progressive, conservative, libertarian, religious, conservative Christian. I was curious when I received an e-mail from a conservative Christian ministry with the subject line of “A Word about Covid Vaccines.” The word turned out to be over 6,000 words, much of them in defense of the Covid vaccine. Although the author says that he considers the vaccine issue to be a personal choice, and is not advising anyone to get the vaccine or not to get it, he wants to push back against the … “Continue reading →

Source: Three Lame Arguments for the Covid Vaccine – LewRockwell

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Fauci The Greatest Liar in Gov’t in History | Armstrong Economics

01 Sep

“In my entire career of dealing with governments around the world, NEVER in my 50 years have I EVER encounter such a bureaucrat that is such a blatant liar who…”

Source: Fauci The Greatest Liar in Gov’t in History | Armstrong Economics

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Fully Vaccinated With Pfizer? You’re 6 to 13 Times More Likely to Get Delta Than Someone With Natural Immunity, Study Says

31 Aug

“In the largest real-world observational study comparing natural immunity gained through previous SARS-CoV-2 infection to vaccine-induced immunity afforded by the Pfizer vaccine, people who recovered from COVID were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms or be hospitalized.”

Source: Fully Vaccinated With Pfizer? You’re 6 to 13 Times More Likely to Get Delta Than Someone With Natural Immunity, Study Says

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Blackbird podcast with James Jenneman

30 Aug

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Freedom Hub podcast

30 Aug
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Muzzling the truth – by Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths

30 Aug

“Tweets like this – factual, accurate, data-driven – were getting millions of views…

Source: Muzzling the truth – by Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths

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History Warns – All Governments are the Same! | Armstrong Economics

30 Aug

“A man pawns himself off as a baby Kangaroo’s mother. Politicians have LEARNED that they too can pretend that they are your parent and are solely interested in…”

Source: History Warns – All Governments are the Same! | Armstrong Economics

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