Did Larry Kudlow cost Trump the election?

15 Mar

Marc Morano (, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change and the soon to be published Green Fraud,, sent me following note and excerpts from his new book.

“In my book, I note that it was Kudlow who did not want to challenge the WHO/CDC lockdown narrative on COVID and Kudlow who did not want to challenge the climate narrative.”

“If the Trump administration had pushed back on basis of COVID lockdowns and the climate narrative, we could have prevented the entire economy from tanking and Biden’s being president.”

Green Fraud book excerpt part 1: The Trump administration allowed the health bureaucracy and its failed COVID models to dictate the national policy narrative that led to the lockdowns. Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow said in April 2020 that it was “up to the health people” when the economy would reopen. “How much longer? I don’t really want to forecast. 

That is up to the health people,” Kudlow said on Fox News.


Green Fraud excerpt part 2Presidential advisors such as Larry Kudlow and science advisor Kelvin Droegemeier, like many officials in Washington, apparently viewed a fight over climate science as a quagmire like the Vietnam War—best avoided at all costs. As for Droegemeier, he proved to be a wasted pick for Trump. Droegemeier is a science bureaucrat who is best known for dodging any opportunity to go on the record with his views on climate change. He clearly does not want to be associated with any challenge to the so-called climate “consensus.”


Morano was interviewed on the radio recently about Kudlow’s deep sixing the climate commission, which would challenge the so-called consensus on climate change.

From Morano:  “I talk about Kudlow in first 1-15 min.

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