Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines —Thanks to Ron Paul, MD. 

26 Aug

“Former Congressman Ron Paul has highlighted this week that a handful of mainstream media articles have actually begun to break ranks in terms of questioning key aspects of vaccine effectiveness and mandates, particularly when it comes to the controversial boosters now being widely proposed. “Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about the vaccines” Wednesday’s Liberty Report featured. A couple of recent headlines in Bloomberg and BBC were unexpected in terms the criticism reflected and somewhat skeptical pushback against the ‘consensus narrative’. Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About The Vaccines — Ron Paul (@RonPaul) August 23, 2021 The first news article that Congressman …” Continue reading →

Source: Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines —Thanks to Ron Paul, MD. – LewRockwell

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