An optimistic outlook by Justin.
Source: Trump’s Base Revolts Against Syria Strike by —
“Donald Trump’s airstrikes in Syria are tragic proof that he is just as eager to wage actual warfare as he is to wage economic warfare.”
Source: War is the Continuation of Trumpism by Other Means
Ivanka: power behind the throne.
“DONALD Trump’s decision to rain down 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian air base was sparked by his daughter Ivanka’s “heartbroken” response to Assad’s chemical attack, insiders have claimed.”
Source: Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka’
DC is full of them. No wonder the nonsense that comes out of the Congress and the White House.
Source: “The World’s Worst Economist”
“[This appears to have been written while Professor Raico was a university student. No date is given. The paper was found in a folder in the Rothbard Papers.]”
Source: A Libertarian Student’s Plea
“The new brinkmanship.”
Source: The conflict in Syria is more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis
“The IRS used obscure money laundering rules to seize money from business owners. A watchdog report finds nearly all of that money was legally obtained.”
Source: IRS Seized $17 Million From Innocent Business Owners Using Asset Forfeiture
“Please stick to that promise of putting America first. That’s why we voted for you.”
Source: What’s Changed On Syria, President Trump? Via @dailycaller