Archive for the ‘Bill Clinton’ Category

Trump’s Missed Opportunities… Hillary’s left-wing agenda and warmongering

20 Oct

Since it’s midterm time let me give each candidate a letter grade for last night’s debate performance. Donald gets a B- and Hillary gets her usual F, for her collectivist ideology, trickle-down economics, and continued warmongering.

Donald missed several opportunities to hit a grand slam for the night, which would’ve turned his performance into an A+. Let me explain.

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How to be a roaring woman

16 Oct

Source: How to Be a “Strong” Woman

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


If Clinton is elected president and there is a war between the US and Russia, the media will have blood on their hands

16 Oct

“The media were too busy reporting on Donald Trump’s personal life to notice, but last week a top Russian lawmaker and the Green Party candidate for president warned Clinton will lead us into war…”

Source: A Green and a Russian agree a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war | Mulshine

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Democrats, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, Middle East, National borders, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


The bigotry of the Clintonistas

15 Oct

Pat Buchanan calls them out. 

Source: Sneering Contempt of Liberal Elites

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Ethnicity, Hillary Clinton, Individual rights, Politicians, Presidential campaign, Progressives


Podesta, the Clintons and Russian money

14 Oct

Roger Stone lays out the corruption of possibly the next president of  the United States.

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Posted in Banks, Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, State Department


Profiting from the misery in Haiti

13 Oct

“Long-secret emails just caught Team Hillary in another blatant lie — namely, the claim that Clinton Foundation donors got no special treatment from Clinton’s State Department. In fact, ABC’s…”

Source: The most damning Clinton Foundation story yet

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Poverty, State Department


This sums up Hillary.

13 Oct

Source: Dictatress in Waiting


Nailing Anderson and Martha 

10 Oct

By ganging up on Trump, they just confirmed again how the MSM are in the pockets of the Clintons. 

“Last night was a vivid, real-time illustration of how the media think of the American people: “We’re really interested in how you think! So, please, come in, sit down and . . . let the..”

Source: How the moderators hijacked the second debate

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, MSM, Presidential campaign


Hillary’s f bombs.  She is not a lady in private.  The double standard of the media is monumental.  

10 Oct

Source: Note: If you are offended by vulgar language, do not read this.-  “Just get that [F-ing dog] out of my way,” said to Secret Service K-9 handler.- “Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every mo…

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, MSM, Presidential campaign


Scott Adams on the Trump tape

08 Oct

Scott Adams writes don’t count out the Donald.

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


Trump’s mea culpa. Hillary’s body count.

08 Oct

What Donald said is indefensible. If he groped women, that is indefensible.  Hillary, on the other hand, lashed out at women who accused Bill of sexual assault and rape and engaged in a scorched earth policy to destroy these women.   In addition, as far as we know, no one was killed because of a decision Donald made in the past.  There are no tens of thousands of dead bodies and destroyed cities because of any of Donal’s previous actions.  Hillary, on the other hand, has blood of thens of thousands civilians on her hands.  As if she cares.  Hillary is one of the architects of the disastrous neocon Middle East policies.  She cannot wait to give orders to start more wars and confront Russia and other “adversaries.”  She is a danger to world peace.

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Was the first presidential debate rigged?

06 Oct

The evidence is overwhelming.  

Source: Podiumgate – LewRockwell

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


How the Clinton crime family operates

04 Oct

“In his new book, “Guilty As Sin” (Regnery), out Tuesday, Edward Klein claims officials in the Obama administration decided before the first witness was interviewed that Hillary Clinton would not…”

Source: Bill Clinton’s airport run-in with Loretta Lynch was no accident

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


The pot calling the kettle black

02 Oct

“Well this is a little awkward. With the leaked 1995 Trump tax returns ‘scandal’ focused on the billionaire’s yuuge “net operating loss” and how it might have ‘legally’ enabled him to pay no taxes for years, we now discover none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton utilized a $700,000 “loss” to avoid paying some taxes in 2015.”

Source: Clinton Campaign Admits Hillary Used Same Tax Avoidance “Scheme” As Trump

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign, Taxes


The Clinton lifestyle–and corruption

02 Oct

“In his new book, “Guilty As Sin,” journalist Edward Klein peeks behind the curtain of Bill Clinton’s private penthouse in the presidential library in Little Rock, Ark. Klein claims the…”

Source: Massages, red wine, and other secrets from a Bill Clinton intern

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, Leadership, Presidential campaign