Archive for the ‘Taxes’ Category

Tea Party wimps: man up

21 Oct

The New York Times’ (October 20) front-page article says it all, “As G.O.P. Seeks Spending Cuts, Details Are Scarce.”  Tea Party endorsed candidates are campaigning on the “small is beautiful” theme when it comes to the size of government.  Yet, virtually none of them has identified any specific reductions in federal spending, nor have they indicated which federal programs or cabinet departments they would abolish.

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Posted in Federal Government, Federal Reserve, Politics, Spending, Taxes


Run Ron Run

11 Oct

In January 2007 libertarian Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas announced on national television (C-SPAN) he would seek the GOP presidential nomination in 2008.  I was ecstatic.  What a great opportunity to have a member of Congress run for president who has warned about the evils of big government for more than 30 years.   I soon sent the Ron Paul for president campaign a contribution and continued to send him support as did my wife until we both reached the maximum legal limit.

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Raining money in Newark

04 Oct

On Oprah’s national television show Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook, accompanied by Governor Christie and Newark mayor Corey Booker, announced he will make a $100 million gift to the Newark school system spread over five years.  Zuckerberg’s gift is in the form of a “challenge grant.”  Newark has to raise an additional $100 million over five years, bringing the total philanthropic bounty to $200 million.

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Posted in Education, New Jersey, Taxes


New Jersey needs a zero income tax rate

23 Sep

Governor Christie stated on Bloomberg radio he wants to cut the state income tax in order to make New Jersey more attractive than Pennsylvania and New York to do business.  However, if the governor wants to make New Jersey one of the most attractive states in America to do business, if not the most attractive, the income tax should be cut all the way to zero.  By phasing out the income tax over the next several years, Governor Christie and the Legislature would strike a major blow for liberty and prosperity, the New Jersey state motto.

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Obamanomics 101: I love big government, the free market, and American values

11 Sep

Last week, President Obama made a speech in Ohio about the economy.  Below are excerpts from the speech and reveals what we know about seasoned politicians—they want everyone to love them except their political rivals.  President Obama also demonstrates a lack of understanding of the free market, the role of government in a free society, and what caused our financial crisis.

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Posted in Federal Government, Federal Reserve, Politics, Spending, Taxes, The Warfare State, Welfare state


Obama’s prescription for disaster

30 Aug

Below are the prepared remarks I made at the New Jersey Doctors Tea Party meeting in Teaneck on Sunday (August 29, 2010).  The event was sponsored by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the nation’s leading free market health care advocate.  Membership is open to physicians and the general public.  I urge you to join

Thank you Alieta for inviting me to speak today.  I missed the Doctors Tea Party event on August 7 in New Brunswick and am thrilled to be here today.   Please take notes the material presented today, it will be on the midterm.   Everything you hear today will be meaningless if the Mayan calendar is correct.

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Social Security: America’s 75 year old chain letter

16 Aug

The Social Security program turned 75 years old on August 14th and the political class and their allies in the media, academia and the business world toasted the event extolling the virtues of America’s longest and largest chain letter. Make no mistake about it; Social Security is a chain letter.  Think of Social Security as Bernie Madoff on steroids.

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Posted in Federal Government, Taxes, Welfare state


It’s the spending and the income tax, stupid

24 Jun

The New Jersey state budget is in perpetual crisis.  Every year the governor and the legislature engage in the June 30th soap opera:  Will a budget be in place by the June 30th deadline?  Or, will there be a state shutdown because the legislature failed to pass a budget in time for the upcoming fiscal year?

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Another reason to abolish the income tax

15 Jun

Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme ripped off thousands of investors, foundations, colleges and universities, and financial institutions for as much as $50 billion.  Over the years, investors paid taxes on capital gains and interest their accounts supposedly generated for them.  But after Madoff confessed to the largest private Ponzi scheme in history did investors realize they had been victimized twice, once by Bernie and the second time by the government that taxed their nonexistent gains.

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Posted in New Jersey, Taxes


Consolidation is in the air: How about Bergen County to the City of Bergen?

12 Jun

For years governors, legislators and others have been advocating “shared services” as a way for towns to hold the line on costs and thus halt the rapid rise of property taxes that has been plaguing New Jersey municipalities for decades.   The Legislature may get an opportunity to do more than just advocate shared services; it may force Teterboro in Bergen County to be split among the four adjoining municipalities. Read the rest of this entry »


Guest column, Dr. Alieta Eck

08 Jun

ObamaCare, Tried in Greece, Leads to Bankruptcy, Rioting & Bloodshed

Some people learn from others’ mistakes, and some have to “learn the hard way.”  Will America follow the lead of countries who have actually tried their own version of ObamaCare, or could we still learn from their mistakes?  In a remarkable statement, the International Monetary Fund has recommended that, before any bailouts are considered, the Greek government must privatize transportation, energy and health care to rein in costs.  The IMF recognizes that increased government involvement in health care does not save money.  It also does not lead to better health care.

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Posted in Politics, Spending, Taxes, Welfare state


Choose free enterprise

02 Jun

Governor Christie announced the creation of a nonprofit organization, Choose New Jersey, to help revitalize the state’s economy.  The mission of Choose New Jersey is to market New Jersey’s “strategic strengths” by making the state more attractive for businesses to relocate here and expand their operations if they are already doing business in the Garden State.

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Posted in New Jersey, Spending, Taxes


Now they’re worried about debt?

28 May

So-called Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives are worried about the latest bill to increase spending and raise taxes before the May 31st deadline, when extended unemployment benefits and Cobra health insurance subsidies expire.  The $146 billion spending bill may not be voted upon by today, the last working session before the end of the month, unless the House will meet on Memorial Day weekend–a highly unlikely situation even for the most committed welfare state advocates in Congress who want to spend, spend, and spend.

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Posted in Federal Reserve, Spending, Taxes, Welfare state


Shameless legal plundering in Trenton

17 May

Last week, both the Assembly Budget Committee and the Senate Budget and Appropriation Committee voted along party lines to impose  a “temporary” surcharge (from 8.97 percent to 10.75 percent) on New Jerseyans who have taxable incomes of more than $1 million.   The temporary surcharge was in effect last year, and Governor Corzine and the legislature did not renew it during the lame duck session after Corzine lost his reelection bid last November.

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Posted in Spending, Taxes, Welfare state


Guest column, Dr. Alieta Eck

14 May

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As Illegals Take, Are Americans Free? By Alieta Eck, MD

We do not have “universal health care. We have mandatory free “health care for the universe.” A middle-aged woman came to our local emergency room, suitcase in tow, complaining of a severe headache and diminished vision. A CT scan of the head showed a brain tumor. The neurosurgeon on call was summoned and within days the patient had surgery to preserve her vision.  An inspiring story giving tribute to the wonderful ingenuity, generosity, and high standards in our country? There’s more.

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Posted in New Jersey, Spending, Taxes, Welfare state