Black Friday is everyday at Business Experts Press with code BOOM20 for a 20% discount

17 Nov
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Guest host Jeff Deist and I discuss how to reduce medical care expenses

16 Nov
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Brian Smith and Daryl Brooks host their new show. We discuss the Great Reset and more.

11 Nov

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Kim Monson and I discuss how to improve healthcare

10 Nov

My segment begins at the 33 minute mark.

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A Strategy for Medical Freedom

08 Nov

My presentation at the Mises Institue Supporters Summit in October.

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I discuss politics and the boom/bust cycle on the Wayne Allyn Root show

05 Nov

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New endorsement for my boom/bust book

03 Nov

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Murray Sabrin: How Entrepreneurs Beat the Fed-Generated Boom-Bust Cycle | Mises Institute

02 Nov

Entrepreneurial businesses acknowledge and understand the inevitability of boom-bust cycles in the Fed-manipulated economy. But they refuse to be defeated or even deterred. They find the profitable..

Source: Murray Sabrin: How Entrepreneurs Beat the Fed-Generated Boom-Bust Cycle | Mises Institute

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The Federal Reserve’s Assault on Savers Continues | Mises Wire

02 Nov

“Any economist should have been able to see that having the monetary spigot on full blast to “stimulate” would raise prices down the road.  We are now down that road.”

Source: The Federal Reserve’s Assault on Savers Continues | Mises Wire

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Beth Ann of CommonSense Talk Radio and I discuss navigating the boom/bust cycle

25 Oct


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Rick Becker and his co-host Lori Hinz discuss the boom/bust cycle with me

21 Oct

NoApologies-2021-10-20 Murray.mp4

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The benefits of the individual single payer medical care system.

11 Oct

Sam Bushman and I discuss how to restore the doctor-patient system. My segment begins at the 14:50 mark.
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Tom Woods and I discuss navigating the boom/bust cycle

11 Oct
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My first business book is published.

04 Oct

You can order the must have book for entrepreneurs and corporate decision makers here. Enter BOOM20 for a 20% discount,…/navigating-the…/From sunny, warm and income tax free Florida, Murray

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Hunter Hastings and I discuss fixing medical care with free-market solutions

28 Sep

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