Archive for December, 2016

The Tragedy of Socialist Venezuela 

24 Dec

Source: Santa Claus Economics

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22 Dec

“Clinton’s fallout is interestingly causing an internal revolution among Hillary’s big donors. At her New York bash to “thank” her big donors of $1 million or…”

Source: Clinton Donors Want to Investigate How Hillary Spent $1.5 Billion in Campaign Donations | Armstrong Economics

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Will the Neocons Take Over Trump’s Foreign Policy? 

22 Dec

Source: Neocon Triumph? Trump Calls For ‘Safe Zones’ in Syria

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Barack’s Syrian Legacy…Will Trump Learn From Obama’s Stupidity?  

22 Dec

“There are two CIAs: One made up of political hacks like the current director and another of working agents like Jersey-born Philip Giraldi who warned against the debacle that developed with Russia and Turkey…”

Source: Barack’s bungling in Syria and Turkey: A Jersey guy explains where he went wrong | Mulshine

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BVMI and its New HQ in Hackensack

22 Dec

Yesterday Florence and I attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of BVMI’s new location in Hackensack on Essex Street. I am a founding trustee of BVMI (, which provides free healthcare for the insured in Bergen County. BVMI is now the Lynne Diamond Health Center, named after a long time supporter and cousin of founder Dr. Sam Cassel,l who made a one million dollar donation. I am here with CEO Amanda Missey who contributed an essay to the new ebook that is now undergoing a final edit.fullsizerender  Please visit BVMI’s website and make a  donation, which I did yesterday, by the end of the year.

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US Dollar Reality Check 

22 Dec

“Why are the dollar bills in people’s pockets worth anything? According to some experts, the dollar bills carry value because the government in power says so. Other experts are of the view it is because people are willing to accept it as payment.”

Source: Why Are Dollar Bills Worth Anything?

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Trump…the Big Government Prez?

22 Dec

Is the Freedom Caucus caving to Trump’s spending proposals?  


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Ten Fundamental Laws of Economics

22 Dec

In the midst of so many economic fallacies being repeatedly seemingly without end, it may be helpful to return to some of the most basic laws of economics. Here are ten of them that bear repeating again and again. 1. Production precedes consumption…”

Source: Ten Fundamental Laws of Economics

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Gold Manipulation?

22 Dec

“Echoing some points we’ve made here recently, today GATA Secretary/Treasurer Chris Powell slams the pathetic rock-breaker CEOs of mining companies for failing to understand the forces aligned against…”

Source: Guest Post: “Why Invest In The Monetary Metals and Their Miners If They Won’t Defend Themselves?”, by Chris Powell of GATA

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Major Economic Warning Sign: The Euro Is Heading For Parity With The U.S. Dollar

22 Dec

“The collapse of the euro is accelerating, and it looks like we could be staring a major European financial crisis right in the face early in 2017.  On Thursday, the EUR/USD fell all the way to $1.0366 at one point before rebounding slightly.  That represents the lowest that the euro has been relative to the U.S. dollar since January 2003.  Ever since 2011, I have been relentlessly warning that the euro is heading for parity with the U.S. dollar.  When the EUR/USD was trading at about $1.40 that must have seemed like crazy talk, but I never wavered.  I just kept warning people that the euro was going to weaken greatly relative to the U.S. dollar.  Here is one example from March 2015: “How many times have I said it?  The euro is heading to all-time lows.  It is going to go to parity with the U.S. dollar, and then it is eventually going to go below parity.”  After Thursday, we are almost there, and once we do hit parity that is going to be a sign that all sorts of chaos is about to erupt…”

Source: Major Economic Warning Sign: The Euro Is Heading For Parity With The U.S. Dollar

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A Message From Lew Rockwell

22 Dec

Henry Hazlitt’s 1946 book Economics in One Lesson, is one of the greatest introductions to economics ever written.  Read it, let your friends, relatives and colleagues know about it.  The book will change your life.  Guaranteed.  It did mine.  

“When I first met Henry Hazlitt, I was, of course, in awe. After all, a birthday gift of Economics in One Lesson had changed my life.”

Source: A Message From Lew Rockwell

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Government and Healthcare…the Unsustainable Link

20 Dec

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Chris Christie’s Failures From Day One to Now

20 Dec

“Chris Christie has turned the governor’s office into a full-employment service for lawyers; Donald Trump was wise to boot him out of the Beltway before he could do any more harm…”

Source: Christie’s pick of prosecutor to run A.C. shows why the Donald was wise to dump him | Mulshine

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Political Elites Want the People to Remain  Defenseless in Public 

20 Dec

New Jersey lawmakers, primarily Democrats, voted yesterday to keep the people of the state defenseless when they are in public. In other words, our representative believe the right to self-defense stops at your front door.   How many more mass shootings or single attacks will it take for the political elites to come to their senses and allow the people to protect themselves in public?

“Lawmakers passed bills Monday related to concealed carry regulations, ride-hailing services and criminal justice reform.”

Source: Lawmakers block concealed carry rule, pass other bills

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From the Be Careful What You Wish For Department 

19 Dec

“You are going to fail. You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq.  You are going to fail in Iraq because you do not know the language, the history, and you do not understand the Arab mind.”

Source: Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator Admits Being Convinced He Should Have Been Left In Power

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