Archive for January 31st, 2017

Sabbatical Day 15

31 Jan

Read a couple of articles by economics professor Joe Salerno who spoke at Ramapo College last semester about the benefits of deflation.  I downloaded his article about reforming the Federal Reserve.

I started reviewing the material in my Alan Greenspan file and read his 1996 speech where he mentioned the “irrational exuberance” just as the stock market blasted off to the 2000 dot com peak.  Greenspan provided an overview of US financial history and spoke as if he remembered what he wrote 30 years earlier in his essay, Gold and Economic Freedom.  At other times in his speech he sounded like the quintessential central banker.  I will incorporate his remarks in my analysis of the dot com bubble.



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Xenophobe President Slams Immigrants: “All Americans Are Rightly Disturbed By The Large Numbers Of Illegal Aliens Entering Our Country”

31 Jan

“We will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes.”

Source: Xenophobe President Slams Immigrants: “All Americans Are Rightly Disturbed By The Large Numbers Of Illegal Aliens Entering Our Country”

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Steve Bannon’s Long Love Affair With War

31 Jan

This is indeed scary.  Let’s wait and see if Trump becomes another war president.  

“Steve Bannon, the National Security Council’s newest member, has long been obsessed with waging wars.”

Source: Steve Bannon’s Long Love Affair With War

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What Would All Those “Protesters” Think of an Immigration Policy . . .

31 Jan

Source: What Would All Those “Protesters” Think of an Immigration Policy . . .

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Roger Stone: The Greatest Danger President Trump Faces Is From The Republican Party

31 Jan

“I do think he has to be mindful of the siren song of these establishment republicans, many of whom weren’t really for him, many of whom actually, probably voted for Hillary, some of whom actually tried to undermine his campaign …I really think the greatest danger is from his own party…”

Source: Roger Stone: The Greatest Danger President Trump Faces Is From The Republican Party

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The Schizophrenic Wall Street Journal

31 Jan

Source: The Schizophrenic Wall Street Journal

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Guest post

31 Jan

Care vs. Coverage- a Better Solution

by Alieta Eck, MD

“This clinic saved my life.” So said the pleasant 50-something year old woman on the exam table. “I had dangerously high blood pressure and needed medicine. I signed up for ObamaCare and then went through the list of 37 physicians who supposedly take it.”

No office would give her an appointment. She went to the emergency room, got a few days worth of meds and the ER physician suggested that she go to the Zarephath Health Center. “They will help you.” This was about two years ago and this grateful patient has been coming to see us ever since. She has a job that barely pays for her rent and groceries, and she has a plastic Medicaid card that supposedly is all she needs to get medical care. But it is clearly not living up to its promise.

The Zarephath Health Center in central New Jersey opened its doors in 2003 with the goal of providing care to those who could not pay. One half of the patients we see have Medicaid, the government “insurance” that covers the poor, expanded from 1 million to 2 million under ObamaCare in NJ. We see 40-50 patients in the 12 hours we are open each week. The cost to provide care is $15 per patient visit and none comes from the taxpayer. The federal government provides medical malpractice coverage for the care we provide in the free clinic, freeing us up to provide good but not excessive or “defensive” care.

New Jersey Senator Joseph Vitale (D) is castigating the Republicans for wanting to repeal ObamaCare, citing the 700,000 new Garden State residents who are newly insured. Trump wants the states to have more flexibility and control, to create a more free and open medical market. But Senator Vitale calls that code for “we really don’t care what happens to your people.” He stated that the repeal of ObamaCare would require New Jersey to become “tighter, smarter but also crueler.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Equal Pay for Equal Work?

31 Jan

The Record published my letter last Saturday but has not been posted on its website.

Regarding “A workable solution on pay equity is within our reach” (Other Views, January 27):

Sen. Doherty correctly states the flaws in S – 992, which the New Jersey Senate failed to override Gov. Christie’s conditional veto, as a triumph of common sense over egregious burdens on employers to prove they are not committing wage discrimination against women.

However, the whole notion of “equal pay for equal work” is in general a non-problem seeking a solution. If there is systematic wage discrimination against women as the proponents of equal pay equity laws assert, then no woman who is seeking employment should be unemployed.

Employers are always looking to hire the best talent at the lowest cost possible, so if women are in fact paid less than men for equal work employers should only hire women who could do the same work for less pay.

There is no need to have equal pay for equal work laws. There are too many variables that determine wages in the marketplace for the government to know whether “wage discrimination” is occurring. Ironically, government is the greatest discriminator of all. Both federal and state governments discriminate massively by taxing income earners at different rates. In other words, government punishes success with the progressive income tax.

If legislators want to and systematic discrimination in our society, then they should abolish the progressive income tax and replace it with nothing or a per capita tax, where everyone pays the same amount.

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The real lesson of Trump’s travel ban: If you don’t want refugees, don’t start wars | Mulshine

31 Jan

Interventionism is a humanitarian disaster.  When will the neoconservatives repent? 

“Don’t blame Donald Trump for the refugee crisis; blame the Beltway crowd that pursued the ‘Invade the world; invite the world’ Mideast policy…”

Source: The real lesson of Trump’s travel ban: If you don’t want refugees, don’t start wars | Mulshine

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